Lifecycle analysis re-imagined

ECCOLAB gives you the whole picture.
Energy, carbon, cost and materials lifecycle analysis brought together in one integrated design guidance tool, without the need for additional bolt-ons.
ECCOLAB enables you to work faster, giving you immediate results.
Work flexibly and quickly with the information that you have available, from simple early stage concepts to fully specified buildings.
ECCOLAB takes lifecycle analysis beyond accounting.
Guide design decision making in a unique and intuitive workspace where you can rapidly explore the complete lifecycle impact of different strategies.
ECCOLAB helps you to set the right project goals - and then robustly evaluate performance against them.
Use ECCOLAB to efficiently report whole life energy, carbon and cost impacts to industry recognised standards at every stage of your project.
ECCOLAB comes pre-populated with extensive, carefully curated and customisable libraries that cover every aspect of your building’s lifecycle performance.
Giving you the power to share in-depth knowledge from one project to the next and across your teams.
ECCOLAB is designed to help you make a real difference - inform and influence with incisive analysis that communicates the full impact of your project.
Share insights to deliver best value, increase efficiency and reduce environmental impact.
Educators, architects, engineers, cost consultants, environmental & sustainability consultants, contractors, developers, estate managers, local authorities, and other construction industry professionals.
Powerful Energy, Carbon, Cost and Material Flow lifecycle models - brought together in one tool.
Every version of ECCOLAB includes the full power of four dynamic lifecycle models working together.
We want everyone to gain a deep understanding of the impact of their projects and make informed design decisions from the broadest perspective. Helping you to develop strategies to meet climate, cost and design goals efficiently, while avoiding the potential unintended consequences of a partial picture.
Dynamic whole building energy simulation with EnergyPlus providing robust and detailed operational energy results based on the geometry, use, location, fabric and systems specifications you choose.
A complete picture of the carbon emissions generated through the lifecycle of your project, including initial upfront impacts from construction materials, transport and on-site processes, the maintenance and energy demands of the building in use and waste management at the end-of-life.
A full cost plan, adjusted with time and location indices, automatically adapts to the level of detail available at each project stage.
Helping to illustrate the relative construction and lifecycle costs implications of high-level strategic options through to individual design specification decisions.
Every material, whether newly manufactured, reused or recycled, is tracked from its origin to the construction site and then at end-of-life through to incineration, landfill or potential re-use and recycling - giving a circular view of material flows.
Work faster. Get rapid, accurate results in an innovative online tool that is fluid and intuitive use.
ECCOLAB provides immediate access to whole building analysis from the very start of your project without the need for modelling, imports or extensive data entry - giving you results that are fast, accessible and informative.
ECCOLAB enables you to quickly create a fully populated energy, cost and carbon model of your building from the outset - enabling a fast start on projects without the need for time-consuming data entry.
As your project develops, fine-tune your building specification to meet your design vision, drawing on ECCOLAB’s extensive libraries.
Run simulations for single or multiple design options on the cloud.
Get rapid, integrated energy, carbon and cost results in response to changes in your design that can immediately influence decision making and improve outcomes.
ECCOLAB produces results that are robust and comparable.
Embodied carbon analysis to BS EN 15978 and RICS whole life carbon guidance. Construction and lifecycle costing to RICS NRM 3 and BS ISO 15686. Operational energy results from EnergyPlus.
Analyse benchmarks, strategic concepts, detailed design and actual performance side-by-side as your project develops.
ECCOLAB can provide you with insight through the whole life of your project, working with the level of information available at each stage to provide a complete estimate of whole life performance.
Compare between work stages and visualise trends - set and keep track of performance against project goals and targets.
Before design has even started, create high-level benchmark options based on organisational or project targets, industry benchmarks, existing building data or previous project outcomes to help you define the right goals for your project.
At an early stage, use ECCOLAB’s building generator and specification libraries to quickly simulate and visualise the detailed whole life impact of different strategic concepts, without the need to manually enter quantities or import geometry.
As potential design options emerge, customise libraries to better reflect the specifications under consideration and import detailed building geometry into your project either from Sketchup with the Gmodeller plug-in or using gbXML and IFC files.
To further refine your analysis, freely add additional material quantities to your building, or use a full list of quantities to create a complete carbon and cost lifecycle model of your project without geometry.
Instantly apply the knowledge in ECCOLAB’s libraries to your project with the power of whole building templates.
ECCOLAB’s detailed and customisable libraries cover every aspect of your building’s lifecycle performance - not just fabric and materials - enabling strategic construction knowledge to be applied rapidly and shared between your projects and teams.
Rapidly define the specification of every aspect of your building with ECCOLAB’s whole building templates and get immediate carbon, cost and energy results.
Refine your design, selecting from a wide range of high-level specification templates covering use types, building fabric and finishes, structural frames, foundations and MEP systems along with their cost, carbon and lifecycle profiles.
Draw on an extensive library of construction assemblies with detailed cost, carbon and energy profiles covering a wide range of typical and low carbon construction build-ups.
Explore specification impacts with a new and comprehensive component library built on the latest Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and ICE data covering carbon, lifecycle and physical properties.
Create your own whole building templates, specification templates, assemblies and components to reflect your specific design requirements, enabling you to rapidly apply strategic knowledge from one project to the next.
The freedom to quickly test multiple options from a whole life perspective, gives you the power to find a truly optimised design solution.
Rather than simply accounting for impact, ECCOLAB makes it easy to explore the relative benefits of a wide range of design approaches from the earliest stages of your project, helping you make the right decisions.
Quickly and easily duplicate and adjust the specification of existing options within your project to explore alternative strategies. Run multiple simulations and compare lifecycle energy, cost and carbon results side-by-side - with a tool built from the ground up to support optioneering.
The Optimiser function makes use of ECCOLAB’s cloud-based architecture to automatically generate and rapidly simulate a large range of potential design specification permutations. Filter Optimiser results against your brief and select successful options for inclusion in your project for further refinement.
Influence decision making with the incisive visualisation of lifecycle results within ECCOLAB. Download charts for your own reports and full results data for complete transparency.
ECCOLAB is designed to help you make a real difference to project outcomes - inform and influence with incisive analysis that communicates the full lifecycle impact your project.
Share your insights to deliver best value, increased efficiency and reduced environmental impact - helping you define achievable pathways to meet urgent climate goals.
Dynamically visualise and compare the results from multiple design options directly within ECCOLAB across the themes of energy, carbon, cost and material flows.
Quickly gain insight into the impact of design decisions with individual option specifications and lifecycle results presented side by side.
Download charts and chart data for inclusion in your own reports.
Export complete specification and lifecycle results data from each of the models for import into other tools or custom charting.
Export carbon data directly to the LETI Embodied Carbon Declaration worksheet and compare with LETI benchmarks.
We want to make ECCOLAB available to everyone. Helping to transform understanding of how the built environment impacts the world around us and supporting the construction industries urgent transition to an efficient low carbon future.
Developing and maintaining a complex analysis tool requires significant investment, so we have established an accessible and straightforward pricing plan that encourages the widest adoption of the tool, while maintaining its future viability and development.
ECCOLAB Explore provides the full analysis power of ECCOLAB free for everyone to use, giving strategic insights based on extensive default libraries.
ECCOLAB Design is an affordable, fully customisable version of the tool, with the flexibility of monthly billing and the option to cancel anytime. Ideal for sole practitioners or smaller organisations.
ECCOLAB Collaborate adds the power of sharing and customisable organisational level libraries - enabling you to collaborate on projects and share knowledge across larger teams.